Facial reflexology pointers and protocols
Club Dien Chan’s members benefit from special discounts to acquire the tools of Multireflexology and reach articles drafted by our experimented team which has a practice since 2002. Having redacted numerous books as the ABC of Dien Chan (Edt. Grancher-Paris) and published the successful application, Faceasit'clinic (en.Faceasit.com), here is a digital space for all the enthusiasts of the complementary therapies to be inspired and find natural solutions of care.
«Share to enrich your experience» is our slogan!
❤️ Become privileged member of the club by taking a certified training with EiMDC or buying multireflex tools.
Several solutions are offered to you...
Catalog with club’prices: login and then choose DienShop’club in the upper-left menu.
✔︎ Due to the lack of time and not to deprive you of numerous articles we publish, visit blog.multireflexology.com.